Why I Think We Should Give Walter Palmer a Break

Unless you’ve been under a rock for the past few days, you’ve probably heard about the trophy-hunting dentist Walter Palmer, who accidentally killed Cecil, a 13-year old lion from a Zimbabwean reserve who was beloved by the local townspeople. As someone who has been intensively trained to make arguments for the past three years, I was moved to play the devil’s advocate and write a piece that goes against the popular viewpoint. I urge you to set aside the propaganda that has been forced down your throat for five minutes and consider my perspective.

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I want to start out by saying up-front that Cecil the lion’s death is a tragedy. I feel sorry for his cubs, who will now be vulnerable to the next male who takes over the pride, as is the way of their species. I feel sorry that the local people have lost their "pet" mascot.  But mostly, I feel sorry for the dentist who now seems to be internationally hated more than ISIS, who is in real danger of losing his business for legally doing something that thousands of other Americans do. The worldwide outrage and hate I have seen in response to this event has astounded me, especially the hatefulness targeted at hunters in general.
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 I grew up in a hunting family, so it has always been part of my culture. My family follows all hunting laws, and has a great respect for the delicate ecosystem of the forest. Hunters get a bad reputation sometimes, but a quick Google search will show you that hunters are basically the most active environmentalists we have here. Every year, hunters nationwide contribute billions of dollars to conservation efforts. This amount dwarfs that raised by most other environmental organizations.

 Yesterday I attempted to point out the inherent contradictions I have observed in the people’s reaction the death of Cecil. People are quick to criticize the hunter, even going so far as to use cruel phrases like “there is a special place in Hell for you.” Interestingly enough, they are completely un-phased by the many other forms of animal cruelty and torture taking place under their noses. Every year, slaughterhouses, chicken farms, and dairy farms in THIS COUNTRY force millions of animals into a miserable existence that is finally ended by a disgusting and painful death. Do I think we all need to be vegetarian? Of course not. I eat meat and don’t intend to stop. But I do so with full awareness of the sacrifices that were made by innocent animals to put my beloved cheeseburger on my plate.

A dairy Cow, too sick and injured to move or walk, lies on the ground at a meat-packing plant in California
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Our mass condemnation of the hunter who mistakenly killed the wrong lion is directly undermined by the daily behavior of most Americans. I can’t help but think that this is a result of the popularity of the movie “The Lion King” or all the nature shows on National Geographic. We hail lions as “amazing” and “beautiful,” but we don’t care that thousands of rabbits and mice died to make sure our lipstick doesn’t make us break out, or that our artificial sweetener won’t give us cancer. Hell, hundreds of dogs live in sickening conditions at the Iams factory to make sure their food won’t kill your precious pet.  

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 I feel that it is pertinent to re-iterate that I really am saddened by the death of that lion. However, Americans are too quick to jump on the bandwagon of sensationalized news stories without taking a millisecond to stop and think for themselves. It is hypocritical to say that trophy hunting is "evil", while overlooking the litany of other horrific animal treatment that is legal in this country. Even the argument of “food” vs. “trophy” fails when you try and justify the cosmetic company that routinely uses chemicals to burn away the corneas of rabbits to make sure your mascara won’t harm your eyes while you rock those lush lashes that make you feel beautiful.

Draize Testing for mascara toxicity - process developed by the FDA
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Again, I am not suggesting that we all become vegan or stop wearing make-up or taking prescription drugs. All I ask is that you take into account ALL of the "socially accepted" injustices against animals that take place every day and give that dentist a damn break. 

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As always, thanks for reading!

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